Monday, December 14, 2009

dont have any thing too do?

check out this update by me:

i am startin' a pillow collection home ade only please!

New movie

Hey guys I am coming out with a new you gotta check it out!
See details in just three days or so!

Love you all,


A bella sara and a few apoligies.

Sorry if you were hurt by my obsessed with bella sara thing. IT was a joke.

p.s. no it wasn't.

yeah will it was a joke from mariva.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Books and a few updates.

Hey, you need a book here's a few:

series of unfortunate events, wich is my personal favorite. twisted is not something i have read but for ages 14 -18 i highly recomend it, because my mom has it and some people like that. I understand that some people are highly stuck on fiction and bella sara books are something that i have never read but my friend is OBSESSED WITH BELLA SARA NOW I WON'T give out any names but she is... also a webkinz fan eight webkinz just like me. Any who a great must read is diarys of cathrine the great now it doesn't actualy say that but it does talk about that same person she just has a diffrent tittle so no big deal. Also diarys of a wimpy kid is like my favorite.
But thing also is read matilda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please comment i love followers , well shave a racoon, tell a an ant whose boss! fin bye the end!